Yesterday, here in Tieto, we have this small farewell party to our beloved manager Mr.Aslak Groenflaten. He's the one whose responsible to hire me to the company. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join this wonderful company and family. We are like a big family caring and sharing our love together. The sense of belonging between all of us is so tremendous and i love it so much. To Aslak, thank you once again and I wish u all the best ahead...:) gonna miss u as my neighbour...hahaha...anyway...take care k..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Farewell and Good Bye...
Yesterday, here in Tieto, we have this small farewell party to our beloved manager Mr.Aslak Groenflaten. He's the one whose responsible to hire me to the company. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join this wonderful company and family. We are like a big family caring and sharing our love together. The sense of belonging between all of us is so tremendous and i love it so much. To Aslak, thank you once again and I wish u all the best ahead...:) gonna miss u as my neighbour...hahaha...anyway...take care k..
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Kematian itu sesuatu yg pasti
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The eyes
The eyes of amazing frame...
The eyes of a unique shape...
The eyes that kills the hate...
It's always shining and strike the way...
That pair of golden eyes...
Is striking my way and my thought around...
It's mingling over the head and mind...
Trying to jeopardize my insanity of vain...
Looking at it is making me insane...
Making my heart flow so hard...
But yet it will never be mine..
Cause i could just see and couldn't own it at once...
Appreciating the miracle that God gave...
Giving me the opportunity to enjoy His creation...
That beautiful eyes...
Will always be there in my heart...:)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Masak Memasak
Hehehe...ini ler aktiviti aku sekarang nie...dah 3 hari berturut2 memasak utk dimkn bersama2 rakan ofis...
Hari Pertama:
Menu : Spagetti perisa tomyam dan salad potato and carrot...hahaha...hebat x...mkn bersama teman2 pompuan kat ofis
Hari Kedua :
Menu : Kuey Tiaw Goreng...mkn sorang ngan nahlah and imel
Hari Ketiga :
Menu : Spagetti Bolognese dan salad tuna...nie hidangan utk guys kat ofis laks...cian diorg ari pertama x sempat nak rasa...
Menarik gaks aktiviti masak memasak nie...nanti nak cuba kuey tiaw kung fu laks...Semlm patutnya nak cuba puding roti...sekali xder ketuhar laks...jenuh dah selongkar bilik stor...x nampak mana ketuharnya...ada kat kotak bawah2 la tue...wat sakit pinggang jer nanti..maka mission tue x berjaya...nanti nak cari lg la..
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I like this song :
Vulnerable - roxette
Everywhere I look I see her smile
Her absent-minded eyes
And she has kept me wondering for so long
How this thing could go wrong.
It seems to me that we are both the same
Playing the same game
But as darkness falls this true love falls apart
Into a riddle of her heart.
She's so vulnerable, like china in my hands
She's so vulnerable and I don't understand
I could never hurt the one I love
She's all I've got
But she's so vulnerable
Oh so vulnerable.
Days like these no one should be alone
No heart should hide away
Her touch is gently conquering my mind
There's nothing words can say.
She's coloured all the secrets of my soul
I've whispered all my dreams
But just as nighttime falls this vision falls apart
Into a riddle of her heart, yea.
She's so vulnerable, like china in my hands
She's so vulnerable and I don't understand
I could never hurt someone I love
She's all I've got
But she's so vulnerable
Oh so vulnerable.
Don't hide your eyes...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Love me or hate me?
I'm thinking of can either love me or hate me? but yet there is situation where you can have both love and hate at the same just a complicated thing to explain...but i'm so unsure am i in this situation or what?
Loving and hating someone is just a choice in your hand that you will decide by your own-self without any forcing by came from your heart and shown with your reaction...but the deeper you hate someone this is the worst case ever that you will fall in love with it...owh i just couldn't hate the factor that i hate will be the factor that i will fall into it...yet this is just another challenging life that i will go through as this is what God give in my heart...this is the feeling that i never imagine it will occur or predict to have...yet it still there...
So what can i do...just follow the flow i guess...if you are meant for me, you will always be mine...if not then you will never be mine....believe in that will make your heart more relax and not hoping too much for the future..."kalo jodoh x ke mana...ikan di laut asam di darat...bertemu jua di dlm periuk kan" well...just another motivation for me to stay focus in my life and stay alive without keep on denying my own feeling and denying what is in my more confusion that can break my happy is too short for all those confusion that can make me unhappy...:P
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Qadaq dan Qadar
Jodoh pertemuan semuanya ditangan Illahi....aku sendiri pun xleh predict apa yg akan terjadi masa akan datang kan...itu semua Qadaq dan Qadar Illahi...kita manusia hanya mampu merancang...Moga Allah satukan aku dan dia...saya sayang awk...:) tp adakah saya mencintai awk? itu soklan yg saya masih belum pasti...
Tp kalo awk jodoh saya...Moga kita disatukan dlm satu ikatan yg sah dan direstui keluarga dan dirahmati Allah...amin..:)