Receiving a lot of pressure and also a lot of problem in life is a normal thing. As we still breath on this wonderful world, we will face a lot of problems. As many problems and pressure we have gone through will make us a very strong and mature person. But sometimes we tend to be depressed to cope up with this challenge. Life is a big picture to everybody. We are surrounding with many kind of people and attitude. Sometime we feel hurt with their words and their reaction, but actually that's what make our life a wonderful thing as it is the mixture of good and bad experience. Trying to be positive and optimistic all the time will make us more happy rather than being negative and depressed. What I mean by that?? It's actually depend on yourself to be happy or unhappy....not others...Think about it deeply....
Why on earth I can quote that statement....For example myself, I tend to be depressed and pressured when I encounter any problem or frustration. But recently I received a motivation quote from my friend who stated that it's you yourself who determine whether you are happy or not...not others...They only can influence our choice but only us can determine our choice....either to be happy or's your heart and mind who control yourself....just bare in mind that we can live in happy mood or moody think about it...
The answer for the question to be happy or not is on your own hand....but it is not as easy as yes i want to be happy in my have up and down...just try to minimize the pain that you have and think positive,everything happen in life have a reason and Allah knows what best for us...
May Allah bless everybody today...tommorrow and can change the world if you think you can....same can determine to be happy or unhappy in your life....
Stay peace....and keep it up man...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Pindah Rumah
Semalam aku pindah rumah..huh...teramat-amatlah penat rasanya...dalam masa 2 tahun aku dah pindah 3 kali...rekod org nomad nie...apa ler nak jd nie...alangkah bagus kalo aku ada banyak duit, boleh ler terus beli rumah...x perlu sewa2 dah...barang rumah banyak pulak tue...itu pun ada jugak yang ditinggalkan...
Setelah selesai berpindah, aku bergegas pulang ke Ipoh pulak. Mak dah tanya banyak kali bila nak balik kg....sebagai seorg anak aku jalankan tugasku maka aku pun pulang ke kg....perjalanan jauh x kurasa....kerana hati melonjak sama...nun menghijau gunung ladang dan apa erk??hehe...well...aku balik jugak drive sorang2 tue...huh...penat hanya tuhan yang tahu...but anyway rasa bahagia dapat jumpa mak yang u mom...
Setelah selesai berpindah, aku bergegas pulang ke Ipoh pulak. Mak dah tanya banyak kali bila nak balik kg....sebagai seorg anak aku jalankan tugasku maka aku pun pulang ke kg....perjalanan jauh x kurasa....kerana hati melonjak sama...nun menghijau gunung ladang dan apa erk??hehe...well...aku balik jugak drive sorang2 tue...huh...penat hanya tuhan yang tahu...but anyway rasa bahagia dapat jumpa mak yang u mom...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Day For Futsal
Today early in the morning i already woke up for organizing this futsal tournament. Drive to TTDI to meet all other colleagues to go to One U Sport Centre in Subang Jaya, as I nie failed about jalan2 kat kl and PJ. Around 8 am we already reach there.
First task...preparing for registration. The time given in the time slot is that the registration will be open for half an hour...which is from 8 am until 8.30 am...but the time was already extended to 9.10am...while my game start at 9.15 am...
What a shock to my body as I start the game without any warming up...dengan badan yg keras cam batu terus pi main. Mula2 start dah jatuh kena langgar...but it was a fun game...but with not proper strategy and practice we lost the game.
Second game we meet another opponent, but this time the second opponent play roughly as though they are not playing in women teams. While my team playing with all the manners and fairness. Another time the goal that suppose not to be accounted have made the opponent to win. Well they just goal the ball by using their elbow not their leg. Since the referee doesn't see it, they consider to win the game. Well we all feel so dissapointed but it's just a game. Then we accept it as every game there will be winners and losers. But that's only one part of it that we are looking for a game. The most and foremost is that we able to play in team and able to show the team spirit and also the sport spirit within us...hurreyy!!!we did it...i will miss the moment of the day...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
KTTM Suai Kenal Day...
This coming Friday there will be an event where me and all the KTTM AJK will have to meet up with all other club members in TM. There will be several activities that we need to perform...such as preparing dishes for the participant to eat together, karaoke and also performance by each of the clubs involved.I am the one who incharge on the decorating part of our stall. Presenting the dishes at the stall given by decorating according to our theme of food.
After conducting meeting last week, we have decided to prepare desserts as our theme of food to be presented at the stall on that night. DKNY is our motto...means Dadih...kek and Yummy's so yummy...yummy and nyum..nyum...
It would be marvelous with colorful dishes at the stall and i am expecting to have tremendous decoration around the stall. But still wondering how to decorate the stall as I have no idea how the stall look like...ermm...susah jugak tue....imagine benda yang tak tahu nie...but now in the process of creating the poster to put at the stall...need creative idea now..
Huh...banyak jugak benda nak pikir ini...idea...idea...datanglah padaku... :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Harga Beras melonjak tinggi!!!
Baru-baru ini aku pergi ke supermarket yg berhampiran dengan know what me and my sister in law was shock with the price of Beras. What we find out, the price of Beras melonjak tinggi sangat-sangat. Selalu beli Beras yang ada Cap Jalaludin Hassan tue, 10kg around RM19-RM20 jer. But sekarang nie, the price sampai RM32.90....huh...naik sampai lebih RM10 nie...Kitaorg beli yang 5kg jer RM17.90.
Nampaknya after this we should find an alternative to eat rather than eating rice..hehe...boleh ker erk?But I think can la kan...we eat noodles...salad....spagetti...maggi...meehoon...or diet jer la...hehehe..
But just now, I just read an article from Utusan Malaysia which stated that the price of Beras will be remain as a control product. Hopefully they able to control and manage the situation from getting worst. Really pity for the poor, how can they afford to buy food stuff if the price is increasing drastically....
the link to the article :
Nampaknya after this we should find an alternative to eat rather than eating rice..hehe...boleh ker erk?But I think can la kan...we eat noodles...salad....spagetti...maggi...meehoon...or diet jer la...hehehe..
But just now, I just read an article from Utusan Malaysia which stated that the price of Beras will be remain as a control product. Hopefully they able to control and manage the situation from getting worst. Really pity for the poor, how can they afford to buy food stuff if the price is increasing drastically....
the link to the article :
Monday, May 12, 2008
I will participate in a futsal tournament this coming Saturday. As I am also the AJK for the event, participating and also organizing at the same giler kuasa jer kan. But what to do people already give the responsibility as AJK sukan KTTM, so you need to take the challenge. The best part is not about organizing the event but participating as one of the team in the tournament is the challenging one.
Dah lama sangat tak exercise, on last Friday, we did practice at the padang nearby, semput..jugak la aku rasa. Sengal-sengal kaki aku sampai hari ini terasa. Itulah kata pernah keje kat fitness centre but still not pratic the proper way of performing exercising. Sepatutnya mula-mula kena buat regangan (warming up) then should follow with cardio exercise then you can proceed with playing futsal. After finish then you need to do another regangan (cool down). This is to avoid muscle crams and also to make sure your heart can cope up with the activity that you have done. By performing this proper way, you can have an healthy way of exercise which won't hurt your muscle and heart.
Hopefully another round of practice that will be done tommorrow will be in a proper way. I am so excited for this tournament. At least dpt exercise...badan dah cam kayu lama x exercise...hehehe...nak jd fit balik nie...dulu dah fit sgt2...pastu berhenti keje kat celebrity fitness terus tinggalkan exercise terus...semoga aku dpt jd fit seperti dulu lg...yehaa!!!
Dah lama sangat tak exercise, on last Friday, we did practice at the padang nearby, semput..jugak la aku rasa. Sengal-sengal kaki aku sampai hari ini terasa. Itulah kata pernah keje kat fitness centre but still not pratic the proper way of performing exercising. Sepatutnya mula-mula kena buat regangan (warming up) then should follow with cardio exercise then you can proceed with playing futsal. After finish then you need to do another regangan (cool down). This is to avoid muscle crams and also to make sure your heart can cope up with the activity that you have done. By performing this proper way, you can have an healthy way of exercise which won't hurt your muscle and heart.
Hopefully another round of practice that will be done tommorrow will be in a proper way. I am so excited for this tournament. At least dpt exercise...badan dah cam kayu lama x exercise...hehehe...nak jd fit balik nie...dulu dah fit sgt2...pastu berhenti keje kat celebrity fitness terus tinggalkan exercise terus...semoga aku dpt jd fit seperti dulu lg...yehaa!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Today is such a wonderful day. It's mother's day...Happy mother's day to all mom's out there...Selamat Hari Ibu buat mak yang tersayang..Puan Zabedah...I love my mom so much...I already wish my about you all out there...let's celebrate the joy of having a wonderful mom that always support us no matter what we are and where we are..
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Why IT?
Why I choose IT? Previously I didn't know anything about IT...memang cam katak bawah tempurung la kan...x tahu guna computer atau apa2 pasal IT...because of that, I take the challenge to choose IT as my studies and also my line of i'm really in the industries with IT degree and working with all sort of IT facilities from computers,servers,equipment and also paper work for IT environment...huh...what a challenging world as the IT world is progressing so fast day by day...even you still tercungap2 nak study one technology suddenly, dah kuar another new one...huh...but then this is the line yg I already choose...
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