Pada petang sabtu yang lalu, aku bersama temanku meluangkan masa untuk menonton teater P.Ramlee the Musical. Aku telah diingatkan oleh kawan2 aku supaya jgn lambat nanti tak dapat masuk laks ke dalam dewan tue.Maka aku bersiap cam ribut takut terlambat...tau2 jer ler aku nie tuan puteri...selalu bersiap lambat...kalo appointment pukul 3, aku kena bersiap dr kul 1 agi...kalo x mesti lambat...terkedek2 nak bersiap...kena wat improvement nie...bersiap cepat sket. Lepas dah siap aku pi ambil temanku itu, nasib baik dok kat area umah aku jer, kalo x mmg confirm aku akan lambat.
Dalam pukul 2.40 aku tiba di istana budaya, berduyun2 org dah sampai masa itu. Kena cari parking ler pulak, sampai2 temperature aku dah naik....mana xnyer...aku nak parking keta, tetiba ada makhluk lain laks potong line parking kat tempat aku nak parking tue....xder civilization betul...pastue leh buat muka selamba turun keta pastue blah...huh...sib baik masih boleh mencontrol diriku ini...oleh kerana semangat berkobar-kobar nak tengok teater P.Ramlee ini, aku parking jauh pon xper....menapak ler ke istana budaya tue...
Pementasan P.Ramlee tue sangat2 betul. The choreographer of the dance is so amazing...the acting was so awesome too.The crew and the cast really have done a tremendous job.Eventhough there were some technical problem occurred during the play but that doesn't affect at all the performance of the play. I really love the character Norizan play by Melissa Saila...she really act so good and you can really feel the character of Norizan in her.Well done to have done an amazing act.
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