Monday, November 30, 2009

Looking for house to rent nearby Bukit Jalil...

I'm currently looking for new house to rent nearby my working place in Bukit Jalil...probably nearby area would be seri kembangan...Puncak Jalil....Serdang...Balakong...or any nearby area that i can easily go to my pening finding this new place...i hate hunting for those house...ari2 make me stress out until my head is spinning around...calling a lot of the advertisement but all are not available...huhu...if ada pun mahal nak mampos...dok kat ceruk2 dunia pun nak charge smp RM800...agak2 la kan...kalo kl betul2 charge gitu is acceptable la kan..nie ulu2 x ingat charge semcm...umah yg aku dok sekarang nie betul2 tengah town dekat ngan klcc pun x smp semahal itu kan...anyway kalo kwn2 yg aku kasihi ada rumah yg nak disewa dekat area2 yg aku kasi tau nie sila la contact aku...thank you...:)


dzqwr said...

duk ngn femli abg ke?

The Street Walk of Life said...

dok ngan abg jer...famili abg balik kg...:)