Last week was a week of study...hehehe...i went for java training course at CSC in Menara Amcorp...It was totally different routine for me...i need to wake up really early in the morning to use the public transport which are LRT and PUTRA...huhu...the first day i took the earliest train from LRT Ampang and interchange to PUTRA to Taman Jaya...u know what i reach at Taman Jaya around damn early...i never know that i could reach this early...hahaha...i'm so new in using this public i'm just afraid i could be late if i took the late train...then now i end up so early...i just wait at Amcorp mall and sit on the bench there while reading my storybook...but yet i'm still too sleepy i guess...i end up taking a nap on that bench...hahahah...:P On that day, i meet totally different people and total strangers for me...but yet i still can adapt with that changes and get to know them...we have 5 person who attended the course including me...hehehe...all from different company and different background...we went for lunch together...knowing new people is a great thing for me...cause i love expanding my network all round and meeting people...hahaha..:P
Second day...i took a little bit late train...and reach taman jaya around 8.00am...yet still early too...lepak2 in front of Amcorp Mall and looking at people passing by...make me thinking how bless i am for what i have...there I saw people sweeping the floor...opening cafes...arranging chairs and doing other works that required a lot of energy and required them to work long hours too...waking up early in the morning and went back late night just to earn some money to survive in this metropolitan city...huhu...then it make me thinking at least i have better life than that...huhu...
Third day was still the same like the second day...during the breakfast and coffee time i have a chit chat with Ricky...Yong...Tye Hui and Wong...They all are very nice person...and funny too...I like chit chatting with them...:D feeling we finished around 5pm...and i need to chase for the train again...hahaha...reach home around 6.40pm...feeling tired...having good exercise walking and climbing the stairs...hahaha...
Fourth day was heavy load for me...the topics is heavy and need tremendous attention in order to understand...too many concept and theory need to remember....huhu...all the others agreed with my statement too...huhu...feeling like those days when i was studying in university...the brain is so tired...trying to compress everything in it...hahaha...try my best and i think approximately only 50% would stay and i understand...the others gone with the wind...hahaha..:P i went back quite late today around 5.45pm...and the worst case ever is when interchange to STAR LRT, the train was pack like a sardine tin and the air-cond in the train is not was stuffy and hot...most of us in the train was sweating terribly...luckily i bring my "kipas kecik"...huhu....but still cannot beat the uncomfortable situation that i have that time...i'm feeling like fainting and falling on the floor with less air and some more i'm standing all along the way to station Ampang...and Ampang is the last station for that was the longest journey i feel that time...i'm praying so much i will survive until the end...huhu...and at last i reach station Ampang...breathe the fresh air outside...feeling good again....since the brain is tired and the body is exhausted, i went to bed TVs and no entertainment that nite...hehehe...:P I forget to mention i meet Abg Farid that day too...he got a course in Infotek for the whole week too...:)
Fifth day...i woke up late that day...hahaha...i went to the station around 7.45am and I expect the train will be there on time...but you know what a bad day...the train is having technical problem and until 8.00am the train is still not there...around 8.10am the train reach there and cause of the technical problem, the train stops several time...and took around 50 minutes to reach Masjid Jamek station...i was so damn late...huhu...i did fast walking to the next stop to take PUTRA to Taman Jaya...and the que is damn long...there are a lot of people around a fiesta of waiting train there...what can i said i need to go there whether i like it or not...and I reach Taman Jaya around 9.20am...huhu...lucky the class hasn't started yet....thank you for the trainer to wait for me...we only left 2 topics more to cover that day....and the topics is quite light the trainer said.....and the best part is we finish the class early...before lunch we have done the whole course...yipppeeeee!!!! time for jln2...and relax mode...after the class i went to the one of the bookstore in Amcorp Mall...that day was the first day the bookstore many of the books are discounted...before that i meet En.Sara at Infotek Training centre and chit chat with him....good to meet old officemate...a lot of stories to be story...hahaha..:P Then i call Kak Ina and she asked me to join her to book fair in PWTC...and i went there and bought several novels....hahaha....that day was a book day i guess...looking at books...books...books...books...and books it so much...:D