Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This year company trip is to Barcelona Spain...waaa..but i don't think i could go and join the trip...the date is totally out of tune u know...feeling so disappointed at the moment when the date is on 9/9/ day before hari raya...hari raya of course need to go back to hometown and celebrate it with family...i told Mr.H that my company trip is on the Hari Raya day...and he said..."camner laks tue...xyah ler pegi...hari raya takkan nak pegi kot kan....mak camner nanti...adik awk agi..." huhuhu...that's why lol...sedih sungguh...:(


The Momster said...

Kita ckp spanish jelah masa raya nanti Iza. Konon2 feeling2 kat Barcelona. Hiks! :D

The Street Walk of Life said...

hahaha...bagus gaks idea tue...hikhik..:P